The origins of ancient Nadi astrology date back centuries, when great sages, known as Rishis, possessed the unique ability to foresee the future of individuals on Earth. These profound visions were inscribed on palm leaves in a special script, known today as Nadi Josiyam. These palm leaves are now used by Nadi astrologers to predict the destinies of people. The Rishis of ancient India devoted themselves to discovering various arts and sciences for the betterment of future generations. One of the most significant sciences they developed is astrology.
Astrology encompasses various branches, including horoscopy, which involves casting and interpreting horoscopes based on the positions of planets at the time of an individual's birth, as well as the ongoing movements of these planets across the Zodiac. This well-established science has been extensively documented in ancient texts such as Brihatsamhita, Jathaka, and Paarijatha, providing a deep understanding of the cosmic influence on human lives. Today, Nadi astrology continues to serve as a bridge between the wisdom of the ancient Rishis and the lives of people seeking guidance in the modern world.
Maharajah Serfoji II of Tanjore, a renowned patron of the arts and sciences, safeguarded the ancient Nadi palm leaf manuscripts in his palace library, ensuring their preservation for future generations. During the British rule, these precious leaves were taken and later sold to several Indian families, who have since dedicated themselves to their care. These families not only protect the manuscripts but also continue the tradition of Nadi astrology by training new generations in the art of interpreting the palm leaves.
Today, these families are recognized as the Nadi astrologer families, carrying forward the wisdom of the ancient Siddhas. One of the most respected among them is Mr. G. Natarajan Swamy, a highly regarded Nadi reader based in Vaitheeswaran Koil. As part of a distinguished Nadi family, Mr. Natarajan Swamy is renowned for his expertise and continues to offer valuable insights to those seeking guidance through the ancient knowledge contained in the Nadi leaves
Around the 12th century, a collection of ancient palm leaf manuscripts was discovered in the region of Vaitheeswaran Koil, Tamil Nadu. The Nayanar community, who found these leaves, recognized their immense value and made exact copies to preserve them. Since then, they have served as the custodians of these Nadi leaves, passing down the tradition of Nadi astrology through generations. The Nayanar community is the only group traditionally trained to read and interpret these palm leaf manuscripts, and they continue to hold exclusive access to these ancient texts, keeping the tradition of Nadi astrology alive.
In time, other astrologers with a deep interest in Nadi astrology obtained copies of the leaves from libraries. It is believed that some of the original texts were written on animal skins, but later copies were made on palm leaves. To preserve these manuscripts, a special oil extracted from peacock's blood was applied to the leaves. Today, Vaitheeswaran Koil remains the primary center for Nadi astrology, attracting seekers from around the world who wish to uncover the ancient wisdom written by the Siddhas.